Appeals procedure
All parents now need to set up an appeals account in order to appeal. The online appeals portal is the same for all parents and is found here: School Admission Appeal | Hertfordshire County Council
In order to set up an account, the following codes are needed:
- Application Reference Number
- Child ID
Hertfordshire parents can access the codes they need in order to set up an appeals account via their admissions account. They can see them on the page where they are told their allocation.
Parents who live out-of-county or who applied on paper will need to contact our Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043 in order to obtain their registration details to gain access. These they will be sent via automated email.
In Year appeals
Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged
Additional supporting information
If an appellant wishes to any supporting evidence after lodging an appeal, they will need to get that to the Appeals Team at least 7 working days before your hearing, (not counting the day of postage or the hearing date).
Please remember that any confidential medical/social evidence submitted to the Admission Authority (AA) in support of your application will not be provided to an appeal panel. If you wish to rely on this in support of your appeal you will need to submit this documentation to the Appeals Team.
If the appellant has a short document (like a doctor’s letter which was not previously available), this will be accepted up to 4 working days before the hearing. Any additional evidence received after this deadline will not be circulated and the panel may not accept any additional information taken to the hearing.