Year 4 blog
Wednesday 29 January 2025 Starbird art
Friday 24 January 2025 A lot of writing! Your children have been busy bees this week writing up their story influenced by Starbird...and we're nearly finished! Three winners will be chosen next week but I am incredibly proud of the effort and thought that all children have put into their writing. They certainly deserve a good rest this weekend!
Friday 17 January 2025 Starbird This week, we have started planning our narrative around the story of Starbird, focusing on considering the background story of the Moon King character! The children ‘interviewed’ the Moon King to try and find out what led to him being so mean…and what made him change his mind. Watch this space!
Friday 10 January 2025 New year brings new topics! The children have written some fabulous poetry this week about freedom inspired by our new Story Starbird, around which we will be producing some writing for a competition.
Friday 20 December 2024 Wishing you a merry Christmas! We have enjoyed a wonderful last week at St Andrew's - the highlight of which was the carol concert on Wednesday (and pantomime today)! If you were able to attend, I/m sure you will agree the children were outstanding.
Thursday 12 December 2024 Performing and problem-solving
Friday 29 November 2024 Electrical switches and hoplite recounts!
Friday 8 November 2024 STEM Centre visit A fantastic first week back visiting the STEM Centre! The focus was learning about how sound is connected to movement, but the children also had the opportunity to take part in many hands-on activities and listen to a talk about planets…can they remember which ones are in the Goldilocks zone?
Friday 25 October 2024 The Village That Vanished
Friday 11 October 2024 Shields inspired by ancient Greeks
Thursday 26 September 2024 The European Day of Languages The European Day of Languages was celebrated this week with an assembly on Monday followed by activities this afternoon! The highlight was food stalls set up and guessing the countries the foods came from (grouped geographically). Hopefully the children can now tell you how many official European languages there are!
Friday 20 September 2024 Circuits and circuses!
Friday 13 September 2024 First Week Back! It’s been our first full week back with lots of learning and it’s wonderful to see the children so engaged and enthusiastic. This week they have explored chronology in history, posed questions about electricity in science and written poetry in literacy. A great week had by all! Well done!
Friday 12 July 2024 The Show Must Go On and Bastille Day! In celebration of Bastille Day today, Year 4 learnt the lyrics for a march to the French National Anthem - hopefully they can tell you a word or two they learnt! Also, huge congratulations to the children on their show this week - they were fabulous and did us proud!
Friday 21 June 2024 Golf in the sunshine Congratulations and well done to members of Year 4 who attended the Golf Tournament in Letchworth! It was a fantastic afternoon in the sun :)
Friday 14 June 2024 Bee hotels STEM week kicked off with a talk about how satellites help us understand our planet, from climate monitoring to food security. Later in the week, we made bee hotels from recyclable materials! In literacy, we are studying Firebird by Saviour Pirotta and in maths, we have started learning about shape.
Friday 17 May 2024 Hudnall Park With memories still fresh in our mind, we look forward to sharing these with you in our assembly next week! In other areas, we are planning a story based on Mouse, Bird, Snake Wolf and in maths, we are learning about time. In science, we are learning about vertebrates/invertebrates.
Friday 19 April 2024 Summer 1
Friday 15 March 2024 Discrimination
Friday 1 March 2024 Spring 2 It has been a great first week back after half-term, with lots of new topics that the children have started learning about! In geography, we have been exploring countries across the equator and looking at hemispheres; in art, we have created tertiary colours and the children are loving their new book in literacy which has led us to creating a small leaflet this week on mosques! A fabulous start for Year 4!
Friday 9 February 2024 Saint Alban and Roman Mosaics What a fantastic day Year 4 had today at St Albans Cathedral. The children took part in a Roman workshop, dressed up and acted out the story of Saint Alban and learnt about and made Roman mosaics. A very informative and fun day was had by all, well done everybody!
Thursday 18 January 2024 The Roaming Romans Two weeks into Spring 1, we're getting stuck into our history unit on the Romans and our writing project on Here We Are (pop your round the door to see our display!). We are very much looking forward to our future trip to St Albans Cathedral for a Roman workshop and to learn about Saint Alban himself. We will also be doing a workshop on mosaics. In other subjects, the children have been learning about food in French and will also be doing some cooking in DT - this week they redesigned a trolley and started researching world-wide Easter foods!
Thursday 11 January 2024 Food, glorious food! Happy New Year and what a wonderful first week back! The children have done some fantastic writing in preparation for the North Herts Writing Competition - based on the beautifully illustrated book Here We Are - and started learning about the Roaming Romans in our new history unit, looking at the countries which were part of the Roman Empire in 43AD, just before they invaded Britain. Today, the children enjoyed learning about and creating a diagram for the digestive system - next week, they will physically replicate one using tights, a plastic bag and various food items! Watch this space...
Thursday 14 December 2023 Switched on This week, the children have dived into the magic of all things wintry with our literacy work on Winter Tales looking at a range of stories from France to Poland to Japan!
Friday 8 December 2023 Winter Tales This week, the children have started learning about a new book, Winter Tales by Dawn Casey. This is a collection of wintry stories from many places in the world, from North America to Japan, and will form the basis of our English lessons for the next two weeks. I also wanted to share with you these lovely pictures the children did recently in RE, where they explored art reflecting the symbolism for the Trinity.
Friday 17 November 2023 Compasses and Quilts! Our recent highlights include looking at compass directions and relating these to directions, e.g. counties in England. We have also been looking at how to make a quilt! This has been an ongoing project and we were lucky enough to have a volunteer come in to talk to us about their quilt-making skills, as the pictures shows, which the children really enjoyed. We look forward to putting our sewing skills to practise to produce something ourselves!
Thursday 2 November 2023 Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations! What a windy week it's been and a noisy one, and that! Year 4 have started their science topic on sound and today the children enjoyed exploring the sounds that instruments make. Other new topics include map skills in geography and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in literacy!
Thursday 19 October 2023 Autumn 1 is nearly done... ...and what a lot of learning! In line with Black History month this month, the children have learnt about the Empire Windrush in literacy and writer Valerie Bloom, whose poetry they loved performing (especially 'Kisko Pops')! In other subjects, we've continued learning about Alexander the Great, electricity and consolidating our knowledge of place value in maths, including Roman numerals!
Thursday 5 October 2023 Tag Rugby Tournament Turns Terrific! The thumbnail has been assigned to the news item, and for convenience also added to the body here:
Friday 22 September 2023 There's electricity in the air!
Friday 30 June 2023 Exploring Habitats This term, in Science, Year 4 are learning all about Animals and Habitats.
Friday 26 May 2023 L'chaim!
Friday 19 May 2023 Health Week This week, for health week, the children discussed how to have a healthy body and healthy mind.
Friday 12 May 2023 Hudnall Park Pictures The trip has come to an end but we are sure the memories will remain forever!
Friday 5 May 2023 Hudnall Park Day 3 On Day 3, the children started off their day by checking the mammal traps they set last night.
Thursday 4 May 2023 Hudnall Park Day 1 We had an eventful first day at Hudnall Park! The children participated in various activities including low ropes, orienteering, and a zip line challenge.
Thursday 30 March 2023 Mosque Building This term in RE, Year 4 has been learning about Islam. We have been focusing on Prophet hood, our big question being ' Why do some leaders and teachers inspire religious believers'
Friday 17 March 2023 Science Week This week we have been celebrating British Science Week. The children started off the week by participating in a STEM challenge.
Friday 10 March 2023 The Digestive System This term in Science, Year 4 are learning all about teeth and the digestive system.
Friday 3 March 2023 Easter Breads In DT this term, we are answering the big question: 'Why is bread used globally as part of a celebration meal at Easter'.
Friday 24 February 2023 Stepping Into the Shoes of a Character This term, our focus text in Literacy is 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q. Rauf.
Friday 10 February 2023 B-B-B-Boudica This term, the wonderful Mrs Johnson has been teaching the class a song linked to our History topic of the Romans invading Britain.
Friday 3 February 2023 RE Week
Friday 27 January 2023 Science Workshop This term, in Science, we are learning about Materials, in particular the different states of matter.
Friday 20 January 2023 Romans Festival On Thursday, Year 4 went on a trip to St Alban's Cathedral where we ventured back in time to learn about the Romans.
Friday 16 December 2022 What Makes a Great Leader?
Friday 2 December 2022 The Battle of Issus This term, in History, the children have been learning about the conquests of Alexander the Great. Our big question is 'Was Alexander the Great truly great'. This week we looked at the Battle of Issus.
Friday 25 November 2022 Readers' Theatre This month we have been looking at the poem anthology 'Hot Like Fire' by Valerie Bloom. Today, the children had a chance to perform some of the poems we have been looking at.
Friday 18 November 2022 Family Learning Week This week, we invited parents into the classroom to participate in a variety of STEM activities related to our learning about sound in Science.
Friday 11 November 2022 Teacher for a time This term, we launched a new activity called 'Teacher for a time'.
Friday 4 November 2022 Programming This term, in computing, Year 4 are learning the coding language logo.
Friday 21 October 2022 A Musical Celebration In music, the children have been working really hard on their musical performance skills.
Friday 14 October 2022 LIVE from the Garden of Eden In RE, we have been exploring the Christian doctrine of the fall of mankind. We considered what it would have been like for Adam and Eve, how they would have felt, and if other people were around how they would have reacted to their actions.
Friday 7 October 2022 Treasure Hunt! This term, in Geography, we have been working on our mapping skills.
Friday 30 September 2022 Conscience Alley Throughout the month of September, we have been focusing on the text 'Leon and the place between'.
Friday 23 September 2022 Circuits This term in Science, we are learning all about electricity. This week, the children had an opportunity to put their previous learning to the test by creating their own simple circuit.
Thursday 15 September 2022 Exploring Creation This week, Year 4 went on a nature walk as we started looking at answering our big question in RE: 'What do Christians learn from the creation story'.
Tuesday 7 June 2022 Platinum Jubilee Celebrations To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, we had a 'street party' in the school playground. The children enjoyed a packed lunch outside with all their class mates as well as joining in with other year groups. The cold, cloudy day ( which was less than ideal)didn't dampen the spirit of theday and we continued celebrate into the afternoon with drawing portraits of the Queen and writing Haiku's about her reign.
Friday 27 May 2022 Year 4 Assembly Year 4, really enjoyed having parents come into school to hear about their trip to Hudnall Park. Prior to your visit, the children were able to work as a group to decide what to talk about and they even wrote their own 'script'. Children spoke about the activities they were able to do whilst away, such as, invertebrate hunting, archery, the zip wire, campfire ( and marshmallows), obstacle courses, frisbee and mammal trappings. We hope you enjoyed listeningabout theiradventure!
Thursday 19 May 2022 CHRISTIAN AID WEEK Year 4, joined in with Christian Aid week activities and completed a range of tasks arranged by the Worship Acolytes. This event raises awareness of those less fortunate than ourselves and supports good causes.
Thursday 19 May 2022 Sports Day 2022 Yesterday, St Andrew's school enjoyed our first 'normal' sports day in recent years.
Thursday 24 February 2022 What damages our teeth the most? We have all been told that sugar is bad for our teeth - but is it really What else might damage our teeth
Thursday 24 February 2022 Firebird Today, the children have created wonderful picturesusing pastels and tissues paper. We have been reading a book called 'Firebird' which is based on Russian folklore. We also listened toIgor Stravinsky's well known, related piece of music ( also called 'The Firebird) so that the children could think of the different emotions and actions of the Firebird throughout the story. They used this and the description from the book to make their own version of the firebird.
Thursday 3 February 2022 Making posters using the laptops Today, we used the laptops to create a poster designed to encourage children to look after their teeth. We looked at the effects of poor oral hygiene and thought about the foods that can damage teeth. We also looked at how brushing your teeth correctly for 2 minutes every morning and evening can help prevent plaque build up and gum disease. To make their posters look interesting, the children were able to include borders, text boxes andpictures to add to the impact.
Friday 28 January 2022 Performance Poetry We havelooking at poetry written by Valerie Bloom for the past few weeks and have been lucky enough to have had a varied exposure to her poems. The children have been thinking about the rhythm, rhyme, intonation, dialogue and storyline of her poems. After establishing the meaning of the poem 'Late Again' and looking at unfamiliar words, the children were tasked to practise and then perform their poems in front of their peers. They were interested in enhancing their performances by usingactions with their reading as well asusing an African Creole accent for authenticity.
Friday 28 January 2022 Exploring teeth As part of the children's learning about the digestive system, the children have been able to explore the difference types of teeth in their mouth and decide the possible function. They looked at the own teeth - some were even brave enough to look in their partners mouth after lunch - and looked at the different shapes of teeth. We determined that some teeth were good for biting and cutting (incisors), some were good for ripping and tearing (canines) whilst others were good for holding and grinding food ( Pre molars and molars).
Friday 28 January 2022 The digestive System Year 4 have been learning about the digestive system and how it works .Last week, theywere able to draw around each other and, based on their research, determine where the digestive system organs are inside the body. They were surprised to find out that the small intestines is around 7 metres long - about 3 and half times their height!
Friday 8 October 2021 Reader's Theatre based on Leon and the Place Between As part of ourliteracy unit, Year 4 have been reading 'Leon and the Place Between'. The children performed part of this magicial story using expression, clarity and inntonation, as well as using their wonderful acting skills. We were lucky with the weather and each group was able to perform their piece to an audience using the outdoor theatre. They performedsowell that you could almost feel the audience shouting out 'Encore!'
Thursday 8 July 2021 Year 4 Challenge Warriors Mark 2
Friday 18 June 2021 Year Four Godly Play - Pentecost Today Year 4 dug a little deeper into the story of Pentecost using drama.
Tuesday 8 June 2021 Problem solving in Maths - Challenge Warriors To further flex their reasoning muscles, Year 4 have been exploring 'Challenge Warriors' - a selection of challenges related to a wider, relational understanding of number and focusing on our current topic of multiplication and division by 10 and 100.
Wednesday 26 May 2021 Problem Solving in Science: The Washing Line Puzzle As part of our ongoing Science investigations into evaporation, Year 4 faced a (hypothetical) dilemma: In order to prepare for swimming next term, we need to erect a washing line (!) in the playgground to dry our towels. What would be the best site for it? What factors might affect the rate of evaporation?
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