St Andrew's C of E (VA) Primary


Year 6 blog

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  • Friday 7 February 2025 RE Week During RE Week, Year 6 students engaged in an enlightening exploration of Sikhism, centring their discussions around the Big Question of 'How do Sikhs put their belief about equality into practice?' Through various activities, including group discussions and creative projects, the children deepened their understanding of Sikh teachings on equality, fostering respect and appreciation for diverse beliefs within our school community. To finalise the RE Week, we considered how we could show equality and self-service to others, in the same way as the Sikhs would do. As a result, we worked on a 'Selfless' project in small groups. Finally, with the help of the Year 5 children, we voted for the favourite project which we hope to deliver in the summer term!
  • Friday 31 January 2025 How Our Bodies Work We’ve been having a fantastic time in our Science lessons, exploring the wonders of the circulatory system and the heart. The children really embraced the topic and each wrote delightful stories about a little red blood cell on its journey through the body. It’s amazing to see their imaginations at work!
  • Friday 24 January 2025 Responsibility and Kindness This week, Year 6 have been demonstrating responsibility and kindness, particularly towards the younger members of our school community. On Wednesday, they escorted their Reception class buddies to our whole school service at Holy Saviour Church, ensuring that they walked safely and sensibly on the way there and back. Over half of the class have volunteered to give up some of their free time to help out in the dining room. Their duties include serving puddings, sweeping up, wiping tables etc. The staff supervising lunchtime are very grateful for their support. As usual, Year 6 have also enjoyed spending time this week reading to their Reception buddies.
  • Friday 17 January 2025 North Herts Writing Project Once again, St Andrew's School is taking part in the North Herts Writing Project. This year's book is called 'Starbird', a story about a caged bird, a powerful Moon King and a young princess who will never stop fighting for freedom. Year 6 have been thinking about the concept of freedom. The children considered how an author portrays characters. They used the subjunctive mood to express the language of possibility and modal verbs to write advice for a character in the form of a song. Next week, we will be writing the final competition piece.
  • Friday 10 January 2025 Our Christian Vision At the start of the new term, we have been thinking about the school's Christian Vision: 'Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.' Year 6 considered what this vision means for us at school, at home and in the wider community. We have also been considering this month's values of Perseverance and Courage. The children wrote acrostic poems about Perseverance.
  • Friday 20 December 2024 Happy Christmas After a very busy term, we would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  • Friday 13 December 2024 Christmas Games This week we have been designing and creating our Scratch games. The challenge was to include a timer and a scoring system. Some of us even designed games for two players! There are certainly future game designers in Year 6 class!
  • Friday 6 December 2024 Fun with Fractions This week we have been learning to add, subtract and multiply fractions. Although it all may sound complicated, we realised that there are various strategies to solve each calculations. That is why we have been testing and trying different methods to choose the one that suits each child best.
  • Friday 15 November 2024 No Outsiders
  • Monday 11 November 2024 Remembrance Day To reflect and remember all those who fought for our country, Year 6 children created poppies using various medium, such as oil pastels, water colours or acrylic paint. The children have used their knowledge or light and dark to create flowers with depth. Furthermore, everyone wrote a poem about the realities of war and conflict, and the hope for peace.
  • Friday 8 November 2024 Why do artists use light and dark in paintings? This week the children have practiced creating depth in their sketched and paintings. They explored how to create different tints, shades and tones by mixing appropriate colours. In sketching spheres, the children looked carefully at where the shadow is created by shining a torch on the tennis ball.
  • Tuesday 8 October 2024 Duxford Museum
  • Friday 13 September 2024 Reading Buddies Year 6 and Reception buddies have enjoyed their Friday afternoon reading some picture books.
  • Wednesday 4 September 2024 Welcome in Year 6 Welcome to all Year 6 children! It has been a great start to all - everyone has been so engaged and enthusiastic. There is plenty of new learning to be embraced and new roles and responsibilities to be fulfilled.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 One Point Perspective At the end of a packed week (which included re-writing a traditional tale as a detective story and calculating costs per portion of pizza) Year 6 ended with developing the art skill of drawing with a one point perspective.
  • Friday 24 May 2024 Natural History Museum Year 6 represented the school magnificently at the Natural History Museum in Tring. Their discussions in the adaption workshop were highly praised by the staff at the museum. After lunch, the children enjoyed exploring the exhibits.
  • Friday 17 May 2024 Friday, Glorious Friday Year 6 did themselves proud during the SATs. Their effort was fantastic and they should be extremely proud of themselves.
  • Friday 10 May 2024 Almost There Year 6 put in a last, impressive effort this week. They have worked really hard in English and Maths and should be proud of the effort they have put in so far.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 Hard, grey eyes like polished stones In between attempting past English SATs papers, the class began reading 'The Princess' Blanket'. We reached the point a stranger, dressed in black arrived at the palace.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 Pizza and Paintings The first week of term was predictably busy.
  • Thursday 28 March 2024 Happy Easter The term ended in the typically busy manner with the Easter Service, Easter Egg Hunts and the Stations of the Cross among the big events.
  • Friday 22 March 2024 Thank you for the music
  • Saturday 16 March 2024 Week 3
  • Monday 11 March 2024 World Book Day The children were incredibly busy last week. They worked hard to create prepare for the Mothering Sunday service and make their cards. The service went well with the children speaking clearly and giving heartfelt messages.
  • Friday 1 March 2024 Kicking off with K'nex The week began with the children taking part in a K'nex STEM challenge. STEM was prominent throughout the week with the children beginning the unit involving the heart in Science. Children also listened to a live online talk about Trees and the diseases that could affect them. The children asked some really good questions in the question and answer part. They ended the week designing and using microbit to make products to help encourage people to exercise.
  • Friday 9 February 2024 Year 6 - Week 5 Year 6 continued to work on persuasive letters in English before moving on to begin looking at a Tale from the Caribbean.
  • Friday 9 February 2024 Year 6 - Week 5 Year 6 continued to work on persuasive letters in English before moving on to begin looking at a Tale from the Caribbean.
  • Friday 2 February 2024 Dodge, duck, dive. The highlight of the week for a number of children may have been the Dodgeball tournament. The teams performed well coming 6th and 8th out of 19 schools. There was also a Sportshall Athletics competition, which a number of Year 5s and 6s participated in.
  • Friday 26 January 2024 Another week whizzes by Another busy week in Year 6 saw the children work on their poems for the writing competition; identify rules for sequences and learn about algebra in Maths; make predictions and test them in Science and explore what happened to the British Empire in History. They also composed music in, well Music, and looked at using spreadsheets in Maths.
  • Friday 12 January 2024 Next stop 'The Apprentice' It was a fantastic start to the new term for Year 6. They came up with some fantastic expanded noun and adverbial phrases in English. In Maths, they were introduced to ratio and proportion and made fantastic progress.
  • Friday 12 January 2024 Next stop 'The Apprentice' It was a fantastic start to the new term for Year 6. They came up with some fantastic expanded noun and adverbial phrases in English. In Maths, they were introduced to ratio and proportion and made fantastic progress.
  • Friday 1 December 2023 Figurative language, fractions and Phase Year 6 began the week reading poetry and giving reasons that they liked a poem more than others. They compared two of the poems before generating ideas for a poem of their own. There have been some terrific ideas with different types of figurative language, for example, similes, metaphors and personification being trialled.
  • Friday 3 November 2023 Autumn 2 - Week 1 Year 6 began reading Twitch - our CLPE recommended text - which we will be using to help us with our English this half-term. In Maths, we continued to try to improve our ability to multiply and divide by a 2-digit number.
  • Friday 20 October 2023 Sunshine and rain Year 6 got their first look at the SATs reading and GPS papers. They had a go in class (at the 2016 papers) and should be really proud at the effort they put in. In Maths, they looked at solving problems involving multiplication including multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.
  • Friday 13 October 2023 On Your Marks Year 6 had another full week. As well as their regular lessons, Phase came in and delivered the first 'On Your Marks' workshop.
  • Friday 6 October 2023 Recounts, repeated addition and rugby Year 6 had another productive week, working hard to plan and draft their recounts. In Maths, they looked at finding common factors and multiples as well as rules for divisibility. The highlight of the week for some children may well have been the tag rugby festival.
  • Friday 29 September 2023 Back into the routine Year 6 admirably slipped back into the routines they had been establishing in the first two weeks of term.
  • Thursday 21 September 2023 Final Day Fun Better weather allowed group 2 to canoe on Lake Windermere. In addition they were also treated to a fly past by RAF jets in training.
  • Wednesday 20 September 2023 Koinonia and caving Today was group one's opportunity to have a go at canoeing. Not only did they show excellent paddling skills but they worked together as a team and demonstrated their value of Koinonia.
  • Tuesday 19 September 2023 Wires and Water "The day has gone so fast."
  • Monday 18 September 2023 Bendrigg - The Arrival After a very long journey, where we were kept fully entertained by the children's singing, we arrived in the beautiful setting of Bendrigg. Our first activity was orienteering where every team worked well together and was very successful.
  • Friday 15 September 2023 Year 6 - Week 2 The pace of learning picked up this week with children planning, drafting and re-drafting a newspaper report about the 'Miracle of Dunkirk.' In Maths, they continued to learn about numbers to 10,000,000.
  • Friday 30 June 2023 Year 6 Phase Workshop Year 6 had their final Phase Workshop this week and the session was focused on their transition to secondary school. We talked about what is going to be different at secondary school, what we are looking forward to and what we will miss. We also looked at possible scenarios which could happen at secondary school and what to do. Phase are currently celebrating 20 years supporting in Hitchin and kindly gifted us a rose plant to celebrate this.
  • Monday 19 June 2023 Year 6 Maths Project Year 6 have been carefully designing a theme park as part of their Maths lessons this week. They have been given a budget and had to carefully plan which rides and amenities to include ensuring that they stayed within budget. We also looked at the daily running costs and potential revenue to work out our profit. This week we will be looking at advertising our big opening!
  • Friday 9 June 2023 North Herts Sports Legacy event Year 6 visited Knights Temple School for a North Herts sporting event. Each child participated in either netball, handball, dodgeball or rounders and played against other primary schools in the local area. We had a great day out and our netball team came second!
  • Tuesday 16 May 2023 Our Last Sports Day! Year 6 enjoyed their last Sports Day at St Andrew's on Monday. They were responsible for ensuring their team participated in each activity to score as many points as possible. They then took part in the final races which got very competitive! Everyone had a fun and memorable morning.
  • Saturday 13 May 2023 Year 6 Enterprise Year 6 have been working hard to plan their enterprise project in order to raise funds for their residential trip to the Isle of Wight. The students organised themselves into teams and came up with a business plan in order to make the most profit. This week our first group 'Brush and Blend' ran a glitter tattoo and face painting stall. The students spent their lunch times creating their marketing materials and practising their techniques. There was a huge turn out, thank you to those that came and supported. Next week will be a bring and buy stall accompanied by an arts and crafts stall.
  • Thursday 27 April 2023 We're evolving! In Science, we are learning about evolution and adaptations of animals. In English, we have been exploring non-chronological reports and wrote one based on Charles Darwin. We then used to knowledge to write our own non-chronological report based on a fictional animal which has evolved from an existing animal. The students have enjoyed creating their own animal, using technology to support, and writing about it.
  • Friday 21 April 2023 Sewing Skills in Year 6 Year 6 are focusing of sewing this term in Art and DT. To begin our topic, we recapped our prior knowledge on sewing and demonstrated our skills. We focused on creating basic stitches which will support us with our upcoming project.
  • Friday 31 March 2023 Our Excellent Easter Egg Hunt Year 6 enjoyed their final Easter Egg hunt at St Andrews! I hope that you all have a wonderful time celebrating Easter with your loved ones.
  • Sunday 26 March 2023 Heart Dissection In Science, Year 6 are learning about the function of the circulatory system and its components. We carried out a heart dissection to allow us to understand the different parts of the heart and how it supports our circulatory system. We had lots of fun carrying out this investigation!
  • Thursday 9 March 2023 International Women's Day As part of our weekly Read all About it, one of the students chose to present on International Women's Day. It was very detailed and enlightening hearing stories from around the world. We all felt very fortunate that we are in a progressive society that is support women's rights.
  • Friday 3 March 2023 World Book Day in Year 6 Year 6 had great fun dressing up as their favourite non-fiction character! They spent the morning turning a scene of Macbeth (our class story) to a comic strip!
  • Friday 24 February 2023 Making our own blood! In Science, we are now learning about the circulatory system. To support us in understanding the four components of blood, we created our own mixtures. Apple juice was used as the plasma, marshmallows at the white blood cells, strawberries as the red blood cells and sprinkles as the platelets. The students were able to discuss the properties and functions of each component by the end of the lesson!
  • Friday 10 February 2023 Safer Internet Day As part of Safer Internet Day, Year 6 looked at how to stay safe online with a focus on social media. We looked at scenarios that could happen whilst you are online and what actions to take. We then created our own game character and include our top tips for staying safe online.
  • Thursday 2 February 2023 Phase Worshop On Thursday, Phase Workshop visited Year 6 as part of their 'Get Set' programme. This week we focused on the Three Rs: resilience, role models and responsibility. The students looked at how to manage a busy schedule and talking about how to prioritise things to support them in being responsible when they begin secondary school. They also looked at a range of people who have positivity contributed to the world and discussed what attributes they have which make them role models.
  • Thursday 26 January 2023 Data logging in Year 6 Year 6 investigated how the amount of volts in a circuit affects the brightness of the bulb. We used data loggers to measure the brightness of each bulb in lux and discussed our findings.
  • Thursday 19 January 2023 Investigating Circuits To support us with understanding circuits, we used an interactive website to build circuits. We recapped our knowledge of electricity from our learning in Year 4 and began to build upon it. We explored circuits with different components and investigated whether they worked or not. We then looked at how we could resolve the problem if they were not working. We then deepened our knowledge looking at the effect which the components and the amount of them have on the volts of the circuit.
  • Thursday 12 January 2023 Why did Britain want to build the British Empire? Year 6 are learning about the Rise and Fall of the British Empire. To introduce this topic, we focused on why Britain wanted to build their empire. The students were given headings such as trade, power and ambition matched them to historical events. They are very excited to learn about the British Empire!
  • Friday 16 December 2022 Investigating Shadows In Science this week Year 6 were testing how the distance from a light source affects a shadow. The students worked in groups to investigated what happened, recorded their results and wrote a conclusion. We found that the further from a light source the smaller the shadow because the opaque object is blocking less of the light.
  • Wednesday 7 December 2022 Year 6 Home Learning Project Year 6 research the question: Why are the Radcliffes synonymous with Hitchin
  • Monday 21 November 2022 STEM Family Learning Week Year 6 enjoyed their STEM Family Learning Week with a focus on light. We started the week with learning about refraction with two hands on experiments to explain how objects appear differently in water. The students were able to make predictions and articulate their findings. We then looked at how shadows are formed and presented a Stop Motion Animation using shadows. The students enjoyed incorporating their Computing skills to display their Scientific understanding. We finally finished the week investigating why a colour wheel appears white when moving quickly. The students were introduced to Isaac Newton's colour theory and will continue to look at this in their Science lessons. Thank you to the parents who were able to make it, we loved having you!
  • Sunday 13 November 2022 Mountains High Year 6 have been introduced to their new topic focusing on mountains. We have started our Geography topic by looking at the different types of mountains and how they are formed. The children collaboratively create a type of mountain and presented how it the mountain forms using their models.
  • Thursday 3 November 2022 How can we prove light travels in straight lines? This week Year 6 has been investigating how light travels. The students were given a range of resources and independently explored how light travels. They found that light travels in straight lines and were able to explain this using scientific vocabulary. We are very exciting to learn about light this half term!
  • Friday 21 October 2022 WW2 Home Learning
  • Monday 17 October 2022 Micro-Organisms in Year 6 This week we focused on micro-organisms and looked at yeast especially. Many of us didn't know that yeast is a living thing, did you We investigated: 'How does the amount of sugar affect the production of carbon dioxide from yeast'
  • Friday 7 October 2022 Classifying Plants with Year 6 In Science, we have been focusing on the classification of living things. This week we focused on plants. We first went on a leaf hunt around the school and collected a variety of leaves. We then returned to the class and attempted to classify the leaves using a classification key. We observed each leaf carefully, focusing on the veins, the size and the texture. We had lots of fun doing this!
  • Wednesday 28 September 2022 Collaborative poems in Year 6 In English this week we have been empathising with the main character, William, in our novel, Goodnight Mister Tom. We watched videos of people reflecting upon their time as evacuees and observed pictures of evacuees. We then wrote down our feelings and thoughts and one put together, created a shared poem.
  • Wednesday 14 September 2022 A Reflection on Queen Elizabeth's Life This week Year 6 have been focusing on Queen Elizabeth's life and the contributions she made during her reign. We discussed what she meant to us and collectively created a word bank of adjectives to describe her. Using this word bank, we then wrote poems to reflect upon Queen Elizabeth and her achievements.
  • Friday 20 May 2022 Choice Quest Stories
  • Thursday 19 May 2022 CHRISTIAN AID WEEK To mark Christian Aid week and raise money for this worthy cause, the worship acolytes set up some wonderful reflective outdoor activities on the theme of strong women. Here are some Year 6 children creating pendants with motifs that represent strong women in history.
  • Friday 13 May 2022 FESTIVE LIGHTS STEM CHALLENGE After several weeks of working hard our our Festive light STEM Challenge it was finally time to present to the 'Dragon's Den'. The brief was to create a prototype of a product with working bulbs, a buzzer, and a motor with a moving part, themed for a festive celebration.
  • Wednesday 23 March 2022 STEEL PANS WORKSHOP
  • Wednesday 23 March 2022 STEM WEEK IN YEAR 6 This week the theme of National British Science and Engineering Week was 'Growth'. In Year 6 we had an excellent STEM day. One of the activities was to enter the Create-a-plant Hertfordshire wide paper engineering challenge. We had one hour to create a plant from 4 sheets of paper using only paper folding and strengthening techniques - no glue, tape or stapling allowed. It was quite a challenge! The photo above is Phoebe's water lily. We have entered this as our school winner, into the Hertfordshire competition. Well done Phoebe! Here are a few photos of Year 6persevering withthe challenge:
  • Thursday 10 March 2022 Our Electrical Dragon's Den Challenge This week a 'Dragon' arrived in year 6(AKA Mr Parker) to introduce a STEM Dragon's Den Challenge: Todesign and build and working a festive lights decoration, cost it and present their design to the Dragons at the end of this term. There are some clear criteria for their designs and each team of three thenbegan to give the challenge some thought. It was decided that they needed to explore various aspects of electrical circuits to help prepare them for the challenge and as a result there was a great afternoon of investigation.

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